Get To Know Your Portrait and Family Photographer

Dave Bentley
Hi! I'm Dave, a local Phoenix photographer that specializes in portraits (headshots, seniors, models, families, and couples). I'm originally from the Commonwealth of Virginia, where I grew up in the foothills of the Appalachian Mountains in a small town with more cows than people. Needless to say, I'm adventurous, and a country boy at heart.
Get To Know Me:
- I love the outdoors – camping, hiking, fishing
- I’m a bbq aficionado, and anti tomato
- I’ve been to 33 states, and driven cross-country twice
- My favorite color is Red
- Seinfeld and The Office are two of my all time favorite tv shows
- I’m left-handed
- I’m a whiskey/bourbon, and craft beer guy
- One of my photos was selected as a gift for First Lady of Japan, wife of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe (see below)
Photography has always been one of my main interests and hobbies. Even as a kid, I always had a camera with me – whether it was a disposable camera (remember those things?) or a cheap 35mm camera that you could buy at the department stores. As I got older, I got my first real camera, a 35mm Canon Rebel (probably partially in part to the Andre Agassi commercials) and I was hooked. I took my first steps into the digital world in college with a Kodak Easyshare 3.5mp camera. Since then, I’ve been a Canon shooter, recently adding a smaller Sony camera for travel when I don’t want to lug around the bigger setup.
My training and education includes photography and some darkroom courses in college. Since then it’s been a blend of being self taught – thanks to the internet, and attending various workshops, courses, and webinars by industry professionals and peers. I’ve spent countless hours watching tutorials, and just going down the rabbit hole of Youtube videos.
In 2018, my girlfriend and I made the cross-country move to the Phoenix area from Washington, D.C. We instantly fell in love with the beauty of the landscape that Arizona has to offer, especially for photographers. This made me recapture my love of landscape photography again.
Over the course of my career as a professional freelance photographer, I’ve been lucky to work on some really cool projects, be selected for gallery showings, collaborate with some wonderful people, and enjoyed every single moment. My work has been featured by multiple media outlets including The Washington Post, DC Focused, Fox5 DC, ABC15 Arizona, 3TV, CBS 5 in Arizona, Fox 10 Phoenix, among others. Here’s a quick article about me on the Basic Invite blog.

My Work Presented to The First Lady of Japan
One of the coolest projects, and highest honors has been that one of my framed photos was selected to be presented as a gift to Akie Abe, the First Lady of Japan, wife of Prime Minister Shinzō Abe. (Sorry for the bad cell shot. It was sent to me from the agency)
Partial Past Client List:
- Acero Val Vista Luxury Apartments, Arizona
- Acero Canyon Trails Luxury Apartments, Arizona
- American Marketing Association – DC Chapter
- Arizona CBD Company
- Arlington Community Federal Credit Union
- Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology
- Beulah Louise Vintage Clothing Store
- Boxwood Winery
- Browning Homes Group
- City of Scottsdale, AZ Travel and Tourism
- City of Gilbert, AZ
- Curry and Scoop Restaurant
- Destination Pet
- First Solar
- Flattop Burger Bar
- Furthermore Designs
- I Adore Couture Jewelry
- Independent Electrical Contractors
- Janssen: Pharmaceutical Companies of Johnson & Johnson
- Marci Thompson – author of “The P Word”
- Mattel Adventure Park
- Miki Agrawal – author of “Do Cool Sh*t”
- Pegues Branding Group, LLC
- Potomac Vapor
- Rhodeside Grill Restaurant
- S Bellus Skincare
- Sheri Autry Couture for New York Fashion Week
- Society for Chemical Hazard Communication
- Sundlof Guitars
- T.H.A.I. Shirlington Restaurant
- Veeva Systems
- WL Gore
Awards, Published, and credited work:
My main focus isn’t shooting for publication as much anymore, but here are some past publications, blog posts, awards, etc.
- 2021 Sarze Magazine (Back Cover)
- Latent Pixel #3
- My Belleza Magazine
- Leonessa Magazine
- The Latent Pixel
- Empower, Ltd.
- Tenebrous Magazine
- Aspira Magazine
- Finalist in Tempe.gov’s 2021 Instagrammy photography contest with multiple photos
- 2020 Shoot and Share Contest
- Top 10% x4
- Top 20% x3
- 2019 Shoot and Share Contest
- “Finalist” Award x 2
- Top 10% x 8
- Top 20% x 6
- Pixoto “Best of 2014”
- PictureComptete “Abandoned” Photography Contest Winner
- Numerous media outlet features including The Washington Post, DC Focused, Fox5 DC, ABC15 Arizona, 3TV, CBS 5 in Arizona, Fox 10 Phoenix, 12News, Visit Arizona, Discover Gilbert, Experience Scottsdale, and Arizona State Parks
- DCFocused.com‘s Cherry Blossoms
- The Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang Cherry Blossoms (2015)
- The Washington Post’s Capital Weather Gang Cherry Blossoms (2014)
- The Washington Post “Hotter Than Normal June Ranked Washington’s Third Driest” (2017)
- Hyattsville Arts Festival on EastCityArt.com
- Abandoned Spaces
- The Association for Professionals in Infection Control and Epidemiology’s IPT Brochure
- APIC 2013 Conference Specials Ad
- Promotional pieces for APIC’s infection prevention training courses (postcards/flyers)
- Prevention Strategist – Summer 2013 article
- 2015 Vietnam Veteran’s Memorial Fund (VVMF) Calendar
- Pegues Branding Group, LLC
- Acero Val Vista
- Abandoned Virginia: Forgotten in Time
- Abandoned Arizona:Secrets of the Desert
Questions, Requests, or Media Inquiries - Message Me!