Phoenix Photographers Collage Project to Inspire Hope

The COVID-19 global pandemic has affected nearly everyone, whether it’s loss of job, income, being sick themselves, or other life altering circumstances.

To help flatten the curve and do their part to help everyone stay safe and shelter at home, photographers have cancelled sessions across the country. This includes weddings, senior portraits, and other portrait sessions that many families were excited to schedule. Many thanks to Anita Mcleod for spearheading this project!

Recently, myself and other local photographers created a group to help inspire hope and support each other, with the motto “Community Over Competition”. The Phoenix Photographers Collage Project consisted of shooting each photographer in their own homes with a simple word, to create an overall collage.  More than 50 local Arizona photographers participated.

Below is the collage group I was included in, and was also featured on our local CBS Channel News, AZ Family 3.

We can’t wait to see you all again soon. As soon as it’s safe to shoot again, we’ll be there ready to capture those priceless moments for you!  Please reach out if you have any questions.

Phoenix Photographers Community Over Competition
Arizona Photographers Pictured Above

Phoenix Photographers Collage Project  – Community Over Competition Instagram Accounts

we @anitamcleodphotography
can’t @cosmogirl35
wait @nadiabaxterphoto
to @redsidephotos
capture @mandyraephoto
your @ksl_wedding
lives @kristenhennke
again @afettography
soon @amydangerfieldphotography
until @davebentleyphotography
then @candice_krause_photography
keep @twinlensstudios
smiling @brennaleighphotography
and stay @carlydaniellephotography
hopeful @alishahunsakerphoto
Phoenix AZ @ryannlindseyphotography
love @brandybrittonphoto
your @photographybyjessicacook
local @jessicaqphoto
photographers @unspeakablejoyphotograpy

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